Published by: Digital Schools
Nature Gazing - Sound Bath
The sounds nature creates are the sounds of the wild.
Not all sounds from the wilder world are soothing, the squawk of a catbird or a murder of crows can be a little scathing, especially too early in the morning.
But beyond a few discomforts here and there, the auditory realm of the natural wild is a cacophony of rhythm, buzz, beats and harmonies that blend and melt together.

Birds create melodies and share conversation in song, frogs whistle, chirp and croak around ponds and dams under the cover of night, and the winds move draping leaves of the eucalypt trees in a soft jostle and hush.

The day is filled with the buzz and flutter of bees and honeyeaters, water moves over rocks in dribbles and drips, and the chimes of bird chatter fill the tops of trees.