Published by: Digital Schools
What's In The Tree? - Kids Cut and Paste Activity
It is time to make friends with trees.
Do you have a favourite tree that you play under, climb in or gaze at regularly? If not – today is the day to go outside and make friends with trees.
There are blossoms which is the food for bees. Do possums sleep in nests up high and come out to forage late at night? And are there tiny critters that can nip and bite, bounce and buzz and flutter about?

Making Friends with Trees
Most trees are host to an entire community of animals, insects, microbes, mosses, birds and insects, like a mini-metropolis, a microcosm of life, where many families live, some for their entire life.
Study your tree as long as you like to complete the activity sheet. Visiting every day is the best way to start to bond with your living friend. The minimum time is 20min each day for at least seven days.
You might discover all the animals to finish the activity in only a few days. However, the activity is more to do with building a connection to the living world and becoming mindful, curious and inspired by nature.
Like every friendship – it takes time, consistency, kindness, patience and awareness.
Good luck!.